joining business, health, faith, higher education, community and municipal leaders together on the path to a positive future

An initiative of ecoAmerica (find out how ecoAmerica starts with people here) the MomentUs campaign assembles networks of senior leaders from a wide range of sectors outside the traditional environmental/climate advocacy world and gives them tools and resources to connect with their constituencies on climate. As a part of the MomentUs leadership team, solid created and implemented engagement strategy, collaboratively created customized sector brand experiences and designed and led the first gathering of over 150 leaders from across America in Chicago at "The Path to Positive", the 2014 MomentUs Leadership Summit.

What happened?  See how these leaders got on the Path to Positive here.

Special thanks to our friends at ecoAmerica for sharing of resources!

Then serving as Chief Convergence Officer for ecoAmerica, solid Managing Director Tracy Russ in action as lead facilitator at "Path to Positive".  Tracy has worked with hundreds of local, regional and national organizations to design and facilitate dynamic, impactful engagement events that drive strategy and move missions forward.


ecoAmerica brought senior leaders in faith, higher education, business, stewardship, communities and health together for this inaugural Summit designed by solid.  "It was an outstanding summit, possibly the best I’ve been involved with. I’m very excited about the prospects for progress that this effort promises,and look forward to remaining involved and helping the effort in any way I can."Michael Mann, Earth System Science Center, Pennsylvania State University

To welcome leaders and set the stage for "Path to Positive", solid produced this short video message from Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), emphasizes the need to engage people for climate solutions. Figueres explains the importance of MomentUs in providing the missing link for local and community leaders, and in bringing a diversity of leaders onto a path to positive climate solutions. She affirms that a new narrative and new ideas will create awareness, build momentum, and put us on a track for a stable, healthy planet, and encourages leaders to support and join MomentUs.

Driving a strategy centered on the power of aspiration, the MomentUs Path to Positive (©2014 ecoAmerica) lays out a positive, motivational vision of the future, principles for climate solutions and a leadership commitment that underlays ecoAmerica’s engagement.

Path to Positive featured a dynamic, interactive agenda design utilizing world-class Audience Response Technology to drive participation and engagement.

Path to Positive featured a dynamic, interactive agenda design utilizing world-class audience response technology to drive participation and engagement.